Monday, December 28, 2009

The sun is quietly streaming in as I sit in my office at work and write. To be exact, I am at the brink of dozing off. Such a pity I have to work all day when the sun is screaming at me to take a walk and relax outside. It was a blessedly long weekend. To be exact, it’s December 27, the weekend after Christmas. And though most of us were home bound because of the snow, it was glory for me to have 3 consecutive days off from work. And here I am again, fighting the urge to fall asleep at my desk or run outside and enjoy the weather. Enough boring stuff. You get the idea.
Please accept my apologies at not blogging before. I think that by this point we are all clear on the idea that I am NOT a constant blogger, and that the random times that I do sit down to make an entry are rare, and far apart. But let it also be known, that one of my new year’s objectives is to be better at this. Please hold me to that.
What can I say is new in my life? Ah yes. The love life. My esteemed readers, as of December 5, I have officially abandoned the “singles” list, and moved on to the “dating” category. Yes, it’s official. A boyfriend in the life of Crystal Velez. I know. Its unexpected. but it has been a blessing and a very happy one too!

Ok, change of subject. God has been very good to me, every day I wake up thanking Him for all his blessings, I cannot start counting all of them for they are innumerable. At the same time I feel the debt to repay Him back for sooo much goodness. But then again, how could we ever repay ALL that He has done for us? A life of service to Him is what I want.

And so, dear one. I bid thee adieu. I must get back to work. Please keep me in your prayers that God may lead the way in my life. And please, enjoy yourself on the end of this year. A new one is ahead! Let it be a new opportunity to make the best of everything that comes our way.