Monday, December 28, 2009

The sun is quietly streaming in as I sit in my office at work and write. To be exact, I am at the brink of dozing off. Such a pity I have to work all day when the sun is screaming at me to take a walk and relax outside. It was a blessedly long weekend. To be exact, it’s December 27, the weekend after Christmas. And though most of us were home bound because of the snow, it was glory for me to have 3 consecutive days off from work. And here I am again, fighting the urge to fall asleep at my desk or run outside and enjoy the weather. Enough boring stuff. You get the idea.
Please accept my apologies at not blogging before. I think that by this point we are all clear on the idea that I am NOT a constant blogger, and that the random times that I do sit down to make an entry are rare, and far apart. But let it also be known, that one of my new year’s objectives is to be better at this. Please hold me to that.
What can I say is new in my life? Ah yes. The love life. My esteemed readers, as of December 5, I have officially abandoned the “singles” list, and moved on to the “dating” category. Yes, it’s official. A boyfriend in the life of Crystal Velez. I know. Its unexpected. but it has been a blessing and a very happy one too!

Ok, change of subject. God has been very good to me, every day I wake up thanking Him for all his blessings, I cannot start counting all of them for they are innumerable. At the same time I feel the debt to repay Him back for sooo much goodness. But then again, how could we ever repay ALL that He has done for us? A life of service to Him is what I want.

And so, dear one. I bid thee adieu. I must get back to work. Please keep me in your prayers that God may lead the way in my life. And please, enjoy yourself on the end of this year. A new one is ahead! Let it be a new opportunity to make the best of everything that comes our way.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

enfermation time

Arghh why do you get sick when you have tests coming up? Why does it happen when you know falling prey to illness will affect your job and school? Oh why and why does one get sick when the weather invites you to stay in bed and sleep the day in? Why is it that the weather suddenly decides not to cooperate with yout eager efforts at feeling better and triumphing in this eternal struggle of victory?
ok..enough of the unanswerable questions..YES I KNOW>>> it's take FOREVER to blog once humblest apologies to my esteemed readers. I have been reluctant to continue with my constant chatter. But here I am once more... so much for an auspicious re start of blogging activities...This day finds me in bed with a terrible cold that has had me miserable for the past week, had A&P tests, papers to turn in, and a night shift till 5 am last night. oh did I mention classes and my two jobs? OK. I have survived thus far. I will get better soon.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

ah my dear friends...Agentina..HERE I COME

after so much hard work, so many long nights spent studying...after many tears and anxious moments....I AM GOING!!! ok, ok let me explain... I wasnt accepted the first time, because my spanish grammar wasnt' the 100% that was expected in the, the resutls had been negative in regards to medicine for this first semester. But, after the hard days passed, and i decided to travel back to the states, even bought my ticket there, my mom kept asking to see if there were more options ..and voila, it happened. I was accepted to start as a major in psicology for the first semester and then transfer on to medicine...what a blessing!! I can hardly beleive it!!! is very difficult to get into this particular university and i consider the events nothing short of a miracle. So my dear friends, and to all who were praying for me, THANK YOU!!! pray for me now as the journey begins, a new adventure, to trust God and his wisdom in providing for the financial needs and the such.
well, i'm too excited to expand much , so i'll let you go and i'm off to change my plane ticket if possible...LATERS!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

its been a while

Ok , so it's been like....FOREVER since I actually have time to sit down and write some....or even had time to look at my blog...but here I am again making up for lost time..
If I used to have an idea of what being busy truly means, i guess it was a bit vague till now..I can hardly say anymore that I dont fully understand the implications of being busy although I am told that this is but the "beginning of sorrows", just a foretaste of what is to come in med school..that is, IF i pass LOL... so, here I am, poor body mind and soul, bound to try my fate at the "fateful" test in a week.... yes, people, IN A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My life in Colombia is interesting if not agitated give you and idea, I get up every morning, take my braekfast and a shower... and OH!! I must expland on the shower part!! take a shower every day,....I DO!!! whats interesting about it is that whereas before I used to beleive taking a shower was one of the most relaxing parts of my day, now it has become torture...OK I'll confess...I HATE TAKING COLD SHOWERS!!!!!! The first week here, I would somewhat guilt-ridden warm some water in a pot on the stove and then take a warm bath... but then it was quite obvious that the population around me took cold showers EVERY time, and I felt a bit...too....conchuda!! so..I decided to start a campaign to see if i could manage tha freezing water in the early hours of the started a can imagine, making strong resolutions all night that tomorrow is THE DAY to take that cold shower...and then when the moment of truth arrives...opening the cold shower...sticking one toe in...then the entire foot...and so on...shaking and trembling....wishing it'd all be over... OK enough dramatismo.
I got used to it. the sad part of it is, if i ever take a warm bath with warmed-in-the-stove water, I totally get unused to the cold water again, as if by magic, and it's like all my efforts at getting used to the reality have been pointless!!! OK...
ANYWAY!!! I take cold showers every day and beleive meself to be quite brave for it.... and so, continuing on....after that and breakfast, I walk 15 minutes down hill to catch one of two buses... sometimes it has rained a lot so um..anyway, it takes an hour to get to my final destination, including the walking part. So I take two buses, and it's interesting, you get to see so many people, watch them, even talk to them sometimes, like those that suddenly strike up a conversation with you because they felt like it. Most of the time in the mornings there are enough seats, but in the afternooon, you have to stand on the moving car and hold on as best possible, of course, with all the wild curves and stops you get some work outs on my weak arms LOL yeah trying to balance oneself while trying not to fall in top of those unfortunate others beside you. Bus drivers and the rest are quite a case here in the third world...they will get anywhere and do practically anything to get to where they are going, NOW. and of course a bus stops everytime there is a prospective passenger, and if it is going at a great speed, a sudden stop is the most common situation....ok, I actually enjoy it..makes life feel on the edge..edge of an accident!!!
So., my parents bought a car. and of course I couldn't possibly pass the chance to improve my international driving skills...but it does more to stress me out and make me upset at people who don't know how to obey a stop sign and who think everyone on the road is just a nuisance who needs to get out of the way... yeah, in any case... they have said that whoever learns how to drive here can drive anywhere in the world,,,and frankly i wouldn't underestimate the truthness of said thing...the part that was not included in such theory was that whoever learns how to drive here will get a ton of tickets when they get to the states and try driving I'm trying not to lose my good driving skills cultivated in the states :P
well....other than all that....all i ever do is study. Trust me, christmas eve and christmas day were spent in books...all day long. I take classes almost every day a week, all day, and the only day i'm not studying is on sabbath, and let it be added that as soon as the sun comes down I go to class...
Coming back every night from the city, home, I have to wak..uphill...20 minutes. I'll actually take a picture of the mountain i need to walk and will post it up so you can have an idea of my forced exercise regime. All for the good, right!? more week and the moment of truth will arrive...Either I pass or fail, but i'm doing my best not to fail. In any case, or , in the worst of cases, you shall see my face soon in keene.
I shall now bid my dear readers adieu for i need to bury my head in a book for now...